UTM tags are like tiny labels on your website links that tell you where visitors came from. Imagine you bake cookies for a bake sale. You want to know which flavours sell best, so you put a little sticker on each type that says "Chocolate Chip" or "Oatmeal Raisin." UTM tags are like those stickers for your website. They tell you where people came from after clicking a link, like a social media post or an SMS. This way, you can see which way of advertising your cookies works best

This guide outlines the steps to set up UTM tags on the Tall Bob Platform.

Adding a UTM tag in the Third Party URL Redirects page

Adding a UTM tag in the UTM Settings page

For detailed information on UTM and the tags, please refer to the link recommended by our team: https://ortto.com/learn/what-are-utm-parameters/.