The Sender ID is a mandatory field when a user tries to send a campaign using the Tall Bob platform. 

The use of Sender IDs provides a good opportunity for the user to enhance customer engagement thereby reducing the risk of the message being interpreted as spam.

Tall Bob provides users with various options to use as their Sender IDs.

Types of Sender ID:

Sender IDs can include the following formats:

Alpha Numeric Sender ID's

Tall Bob allows the user to have Alpha Numeric values in the Sender ID along with certain special characters. 

A valid Alpha Number Sender ID can contain:

  1. Maximum 11 characters
  2. Letters
  3. Numbers
  4. Blank Spaces
  5. Symbols  -_.&

Numeric Sender IDs

Tall Bob can provide the user with special numbers that can be used as a Sender ID in a scenario where the user would want to have responses coming back for the campaigns sent. This process is called as two-way messaging. The types of special numbers are:

  • Mobile Numbers: The user can provide their mobile number as the Sender ID if they wish to get the campaign responses routed back to their phone handset.
  • Longcodes: Longcodes are dedicated mobile numbers that, when used as a Sender ID will allow message replies to appear within the platform. In order to use a longcode, it has to be assigned to the user’s Tall Bob account. Please contact to discuss the provisioning of a shared or private long code.
  • Shortcodes:Shortcodes are dedicated numbers that are pre-approved by carriers to have a high throughput and are not subject to carrier filtering. This helps in reducing the risk of the SMS or MMS getting marked as spam. Please contact to discuss the provisioning of a shared or private shortcode. Shortcodes are best when used for:
    • Marketing and promotions.
    • Alerts and notifications.
    • Two-factor authentication
  • 10DLC numbers: It is a 10-digit phone number used only in the United States. Please contact to discuss the provisioning of a 10DLC

Using a Sender ID

If you have a Numeric Sender ID such as a longcode or shortcode, it will appear in the Sender ID dropdown.