Within the platform, you can enter individual mobile numbers to be opted out or upload a CSV list of numbers you want to opt-out.

This guide will explore the different ways in which a customer can add their contacts into opt-outs such as:

  1. Opting out of an Individual Mobile Number
  2. Uploading a CSV list of Mobile Numbers to Opt Out

Opting out of an Individual Mobile Number

Uploading a CSV list of Mobile Numbers to Opt Out

Delete Single Opt-out Entries

Delete Multiple Opt-out Entries

The above scenario is the same for a case where you want to add/upload email IDs into the Opt-Out list.

Helpful Stuff

  • Looking for definitions that revolve around Mobile, SMS and Telco Industries, then click here
  • Other helpful contacts-related documents can be found here

If you ever need further assistance or someone to point you in the right direction you can email the team at support@tallbob.com