Custom Data can be fields such as Date of Birth, Address etc., which would make it easy for customers to identify and filter their contacts.
Within the platform, you can add individual custom data that gets mapped with the existing or newly created contacts.
This guide will explore the different ways in which you can Manage your Custom Data:
- Adding Custom Data
- Adding Contacts with Custom Data
- Uploading contacts with Custom Data
- Editing Custom Data
- Deleting Custom Data
Adding Custom Data
Adding Contacts with Custom Data
Uploading contacts with Custom Data
Editing a Custom Contact Field
Deleting a Custom Contact Field
Helpful Stuff
- Looking for definitions that revolve around the Mobile, SMS and Telco Industries, then click here
- Other helpful contacts-related documents can be found here
If you ever need further assistance or someone to point you in the right direction you can email the team at [email protected]